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CAPCO: A Brief Introduction

China Association for Public Companies (CAPCO) is a national self-regulatory organization and a non-profit organization incorporated by publicly listed companies and relevant entities in accordance with the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulation on the Registration and Administration of Organizations and other applicable laws and regulations. The aim is to facilitate standardized regulation of the capital markets and preserve the lawful rights and interests of the members. CAPCO operates under the oversight of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

CAPCO performs its functions under the guidelines of “Service, Self-regulation, Compliance and Enhancement”. CAPCO provides a platform of high-level services for its members. It is committed to improving the quality of listed companies and promoting sound corporate governance and culture.

CAPCO’s governance structure is composed of the Assembly of Members’ Representatives, the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, all of which function based on membership representation. CAPCO is committed to building itself into an organization that voices the development requests of its members, protects the members’ interests, and provides quality services. CAPCO is also dedicated to communicating regulatory and self-regulatory requirements to its members in order to make the capital markets more sophisticated.

CAPCO, with 228 founding members, was established on February 15th, 2012. Mr. Chen Qingtai and Mr. Li Xiaoxue were elected as the Chairman and the Executive Vice Chairman respectively at the First Assembly.

As of March 2017, 1,865 public companies have registered with CAPCO as Ordinary Members. Mr. Wang Jianzhou, former Chairman and CEO of China Mobile, is the incumbent Chairman of CAPCO. Ms. Song Liping is the current Executive Vice Chairman.

  • General Office 0086-010-88009693
  • Information Office 0086-010-88009491
  • Department of Member Services II 0086-010-88009681
  • Department of Training 0086-010-88009720
  • Department of International Affairs (Office of Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs) 0086-010-88009657
  • Department of Member Services I 0086-010-88009680
  • Department of Corporate Governance 0086-010-88009666
  • Department of Information Technology 0086-010-88009726
3rd Floor, Tower C, Tongtai Mansion, No.33 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing,100032 P.R.China